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Louis LIV Design

I've had several monikers that I've answered to in my lifetime, but the signature on my life's work will read, Louis LIV.  I'm an 80's baby and unapologetic homer from the Greatest City in the LAnd... Los Angeles, California!  The pLAce that birthed, raised and continuously fuels my life's purpose.  This journey has taken me through pit stops in Architecture, Music Production, Songwriting, Graphic Design, Creative Direction, and a few other Art forms that I didn't dive as deep into. Each of those disciplines occupies space in my creative home and led me to Mixed Media Art, where they currently reside. All of that creative baggage LIVes in a studio full of experiences, life lessons, and practices that I draw inspiration from for my current body of work, Eternal Sunshine of the West Coast Mind. It explores LAnguage, typography, road signage, cartography, cLAssism, commercial advertising, sports fandom, and the inspirational characters that built our West Coast Culture.



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